GEIERLAY SUSPENSION BRIDGE- The Longest Suspension Bridge in Germany

The Geierlay Hängeseilebrücke which loosely translates to the Geierlay suspension bridge in Germany is the longest suspension bridge in Germany. The bridge is 360m long and is suspended 100m from the ground.

The Geierlay Bridge is 360m long and is suspended 100m from the ground.

A wide-angle view of the bridge for better perspective

The Geierlay bridge is located in the small town of Mörsdorf and despite being located in a little town, it is aurguably one of the most famous foot suspension bridges in Germany. Access to the bridge is absolutely FREE!!!!! Construction cost was about 1.2 million Euros but for any visitors the bridge is open 365 days in the year 24/7 and costs ZERO. For lovers of pets and fur parents, pets are also allowed to cross the bridge with you.

People, bikes and pets are allowed onto the bridge

There are two ways to get there to hike, do a 2-3 hour walk through the forest or drive up to the parking lot next to the suspension bridge. The bridge is suspended at the top of a forest and makes for an awesome hiking destination.  I would suggest taking the hike, especially in summer taking a walk through the forest and nature has a calming effect and one actually enjoys the breeze and the shade.

One could also drive up, which saves time to explore other areas or travel back home. If one decides on hiking, plan to spend the whole day at Geierlay. The hike up and down will most likely take the whole day I suggest carry lots to drink to keep hydrated and snacks to stay energized if you do this in the summer. The hike also gives an opportunity to bond, catch up and laugh especially if it’s a group travel. The hike is beautiful so one is surrounded by nature, beautiful trees, flowers and little streams in the forest as one walks through it.

One can stop, pause and sit to catch a breath before proceeding.

The bridge gets your knees shaking and wobbly as it is suspended very high, it makes the tallest trees look like little dwarfs. In addition, the bridge gives you the opportunity to simply breathe, taking in the surrounding nature and be wowed by the amazing works of creation or the big gang.. whatever rocks your boat.

Views from any angle are perfect.

The bridge lives up to its name and the photos you see online are exactly how they appear. The guards at the start of the bridge are really friendly and are there to ensure the safety of the people visiting. They allow people on the bridge and control so that there is no pushing or anything that endangers the safety of those who visit.

For every trip I try to encourage travellers, take a moment and just take it all in. Look around, smell the air, observe the colour of the leaves, colour of the skies, appreciate the people you are experiencing the moment with, simply… take it all in.

Ooops!! Almost forgot, be sure to note where you packed your car. Met many people who had packed their car up the hill, walk down only to realize the car is on the other side of the bridge where they crossed. If you pack your car up the hill, cross the bridge and then wait to cross back coz that’s where the car is packed. Enjoy your time at Geierlay!!!

The bridge surrounded by nature! Don’t we all love this!!

Despite the name of the bridge translating from ‘Geierlay Hangeseilbrucke’ in German to ‘Geierlay the suspended rope bridge’; I assure the bridge is made of pure steel and wood. The bridge is as stable as can be as described above and despite the bridge being 100m from the ground.

I hope you found the information you needed and that this gets to your bucket list.

1 Comment

  1. Such wonderful places to visit. I was in few of the places and they are amazing. Mamba village in Nairobi was one wonderful place to be I bet you couldn’t want to miss it . My pleasure to visit some places in Germany too .

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