The University of Nairobi is ranked highly among African university and was founded as the Royal technical College in 1956 and its only in 1970 that it came to be known as the University of Nairobi as we know it today. For those interested in Academia the University of Nairobi maintained its lead position in Kenya; ranked 14 in Africa and 1101 globally in 2022. This puts the University at the top 4% of all the universities ranked globally. (University of Nairobi). Today we take a visit to the University of Nairobi!! Have you visited a university near you with your children? This question does not only apply to the parents whose kids are going to university but also to any parent with school going children. This might not have caught on in Kenya but in different cultures parents take their children to different universities to see the campuses and see if it’s a fit for their kid. For others its just to encourage them to see what the univerisities look like.
You’ve read on so far so why don’t we talk about the only university in Kenya with a definite article: The University of Nairobi!! My Alma Mater is Moi University in Eldoret.. I digress will talk about that in another article… back to Nairobi!!

The University is located in the heart of Nairobi and offers a serene academic environment in the heart of the city. One of UON’s iconic masterpieces is the FOUNTAIN. The Fountain is a major landmark for students at the university and was constructed in 1962: designed by F.V Foit. It was dedicated to the memory of Prof. Yajnik, Executive Officer of the Gandhi Society, a man who had been instrumental in raising funds to build the University. Are you able to see the three figures on the fountain? Well… its important to note that they do not drink from the fountaion at the same time. An analogy to reading, speaking and listening: Do the three but not at the same time. (University of Nairobi)

So why do you have to visit the University of Nairobi, especially with school going children or teenagers? Its for them to see how an academic set up looks like. How people in an academic set up behave and also to just get the ambience of it all even though they might not understand what is going on. While at it one can relax at one of these benches as you observe the students going about their day.

For adults a visit is paramount to see and learn about the institution of learning in your area. As an adult you might not have gone to university, out of choice or didn’t qualify but it doesn’t matter!! The university sometimes have forums and discussions that might be of interest to the public!! In addition, most universities are government owned, so visit them to see what they are all about!!
As a wanderluster I will not stop stressing this enough… exploring the world starts with your own backyard. Explore what you have and gradually the interest and confidence of exploring beyond your comfort zone also grows. And even for your kids.. lately everyone is on all about manifesting. Manifest higher education for them You can even sign up for visits at some universities or if you know someone who studies there give them a ring and say.. hey I wanted to visit your university.

Back to the University of Nairobi.. its prime location right in the heart of Nairobi you get to have a beautiful vie of the Nairobi skyline. See the City Clock in the Background?In addition it makes it easy to incorporate other things into the visit. You could visit the National Theatre that is just next door or head to The Archives or the Kenya National Museum.

Lets proceed. The University of Nairobi has many iconic buildings. One that really caught my attention is the Mahatma Ghandi Wing and the Mahatma Ghamdi statue right in front of the wing. This was a surprise to see Considering the ‘alleged racism’ from Mahatma Ghandi and his disdain for africans in South Africa. (Cambridge University Press: 11 November 2008). Is this a conversation the UON has had or is ready to have? The University of Ghana pulled down Mahatma Ghandi’s statue due to this allegations. Although one has to be careful with the cancel culture.. do the contributions that Mahatma Ghandi made to society also matter?

This is the beauty of higher education and university.. the freedom to question anyone and anything. To be able to look at things with a third eye and think critically. Anyway, if your pocket allows it after your visit to the university of Nairobi you can visit the Fairmont Hotel which is across the road for high Tea at 4pm or visit the Kenya National Theatre for a play. Goal is to #TembeaKenya with an open mind and a third eye!
Another iconic building is the University of Nairobi Twin Towers. The building whose construction began in 2013 and officially handed over to the University of Nairobi 2016 has added a beautiful skyscraper to the Nairobi Skyline.

The Twin Towers were constructed with kenya’s vision 2030 in mind and #Sustainability was a key feature in its construction: Solar systems, water recycling and 24hrs security surveillance are key features of the building. The well maintained lawns and beautiful greenery add to the oasis of green that is the University of Nairobi.

In the spirit of #Wanderlust this is a must visit in Nairobi!! Far from Wanderlust, If interested in studying at the University of Nairobi click on the link to see what courses are offered. Important to note that this article is in its entirety about the main campus. The univeryity has many campuses in Nairobi and other parts of Kenya.

Enjoy your visit at the University of Nairobi!

World class University, proud of my school