The Royal Botanic Garden Sydney Australia

The Royal Botanic Garden with the city of Sydney in the background

The Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney infuses nature in a city environment. It is a symbol of the importance of conservation and love for nature within a a city. An infusion of Australian indigenous plants and other exotic species from across the world.

This tree in the middle of the pond at the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney

This Sydney’s botanical garden has been inexistence for over a century. To be precise the nature marvel was created in 1873. The Garden has plants from across the world but most importantly, it hosts most of the native plants in Sydney.

Entrance to the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney
The Royal Botanical Garden was established in 1873

Australia is home to indigenous and an astounding array of plant-life. The Royal Botanical Garden is one of the major homes to thousands of plant life and collections from the Australian country.

The Blush Walnut a native plant to Australia
The bark of the Blush Walnut Tree

As earlier mentioned, the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney not only has plants that are native to Australia but they have also incorporated other plants from different parts of the world.

Banana plant with banana fruits at the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney

The vision of the garden is to maintain its ecological nature and provide an everlasting ecological and horticultural experience.

Stone Plaque describing the Vision of the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

Fun Fact

The Royal Botanic Garden has a Wishing tree. Well.. what is the legend? Legend has it that if you say a wish and then go round the tree three times, both forwards and backwards, the wish will come true.

Want to try this the next time in Sydney?

Share with #KerryganTravels and let us know if your wish came true.

The Wish Tree in the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney
Instruction on making the wish. Walk around the tree 3 times both forwards and backwards.

Every turn and corner Is a marvel to look at.  The pond at the Royal Botanical Garden is a sensation with the presence of eels that depict the essence of the garden as ecological and nature friendly.

View of the Pond at the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney
Eels are Present at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney


Entry to the Royal Botanical Gardens is absolutely free!!! What’s even more exciting is its location right in Sydney’s CBD! In addition, it offers an entrance from the north entrance and exit to the Sydney Opera House.

Walk in the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney

This is definitely a bucket list item as one gets to experience the beauty of Australian nature with a fusion of plants from across the world. In addition, one gets stunning tree peak views of the Sydney Skyline.

Main Entrance to the Royal Botanical Garden.

The botanical garden is really worth a visit. Totally worth your visit!!

From Kerrygan Travels, we say… Happy Travels!!!

1 Comment

  1. About the wish tree, my wish is to visit Australia. Too bad I can’t reach the tree heh heh, that will make my wish come true

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