The Oktoberfest in Germany is the largest folk festival in the world. It is one of the most celebrated beer festivals in the world. It is mostly celebrated from mid-September to early October.

The home of the #Oktoberfest in Germany is the city of Munich (also known as München). Celebrations in München are always on an all-time high in September. In 2022 the festival ran from September 17th to October 3rd 2022. In 2023 the celebrations are expected to run from 16th September to 3rd October 2023

Fun Fact
Octoberfest began as a wedding celebration more than 200 years ago when Bavarian crown prince Ludwig married princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12 1810. The wedding was celebrated with multiple days of drinking, feasting and horse races. This celebrated thus marked the beginning of the #Octoberfest. Remember King Ludwig who built the Castle of Neu Schwanstein also known as the Walt Disney Castle ?

OktoberFest Today
Other Cities in Germany also celebrate the #Oktoberfest; the festivals in the other cities are made to modulate the original Oktoberfest in Munich. The Octoberfest today enables one to enjoy German’s beer. Germany is the home of beer making and the festival provides the opportunity to sample beer made in Germany. It is also a great opportunity to learn major German songs and great hits through the years, as the celebration does include a lot of dancing and singing.
In addition, despite the origin of the #Oktoberfest being in October; Oktoberfest is celebrated majorly in September because in September the weather is nice and warm with little rainfall. Whereas in October the weather can be cold or could have lots of rainfall.
In recent days, the #Oktoberfest can also be celebrated in different locations. For example, the pic below was of an Octoberfest in Frankfurt celebrated on a ship, and we were lucky there was a full moon lighting up the sky.

What to wear for Oktoberfest
Since it’s a traditional celebration, one is majorly expected to wear a German (Bavarian) traditional outfit. A dirndl for women and leather trousers for men. These outfits are worn to the festival whether one is originally from Bavaria (the province where Munich is located) or not.

Woman wear the dress known as dirndl. The dirndl comes in many colors but the cut style is the same as shown above.
Men wear Lederhosen which is basically leather pants. An example is as shown below.

Plan to attend next year’s #2023Oktoberfest!! Remember it starts on 16th September 2023 to 3rd October 2023!! Have a blast.