The Museum Melbourne is one of the most beautiful museums in Victoria, Australia. Centrally located, the museum belongs to the top five places to visit in Melbourne. Rich in culture and history the Melbourne Museum carries century old material showcasing the history of mankind and Melbourne.

The Museum blue whale Skeleton at the Melbourne Museum is locate right at the entrance of the foyer. The Museum seeks to showcase the eveolvement of the whales to today. Imagine the size of the mouth of this gigantic blue whale. The well curated skeletons is one of the reasons why Melbourne belongs to top five places to visit in Melbourne.

But what speaks more of evolution than dinosaurs? The display of dinosaurs at the Melbourne Museum brings the dinosaurs to life!! Depicted in real life size imaging, the dinosaurs are a marvel to look at. The beautiful displays is one of the reasons why the Melbourne Museum belongs to the top five places to visit in Melbourne. The megafauna, pterosaurs and dinosaurs are brought back to life at the Melbourne Museum.

The Melbourne Museum in addition, has history on its flora and fauna. The rich history fund at the museum places the Melbourne Museum on the top five places to visit in Melbourne. The different things found at the museum from the type of leaves that were found in its forests to history of early civilization in Australia though the use of tools.

Was terrified to look at these Python Structures at the Melbourne Museum. These are structures of the Reticulated Python belived to be one of the largest snakes in the world, growing to a length of almost 10 metres. They are mostly found living near water throughout South-East Asia.

Exploring the Melbourne Museum does not just end with looking at the gigantic animals, there is a lot of art work to explore at the 1st floor.

In matters sustainability, the national Museum has always showcased the history of wind energy in Australia. The Australian windmill is a familiar symbol of life and work in the country. It showcases the collection of windmill enthusiast William McCook.

Happy Travels from the Museums at the Melbourne Museum and Kerrygan Travels!!!