The Canelobre Caves in Alicante, Spain – Inside Busot Village

View of the Canelobre Caves from the Street

The Canelobre Caves in Alicante are located in a small village, known as Busot. The drive up the mountains is scenic and best explored in Summer. The Canelobre Caves Busot are 30 Minute drive from Alicante’s City Centre. The Caves are known as Canelobre in Spanish and as the Canelobre Caves in English.

Inside the Busot Caves

Exploring the Canelobre Caves is a fun adventure as the caves are still in their original state as they were discovered.

Different rock formations inside the Canelobre Caves also known as Busot Caves

The formations in the cave are a marvel to look at. The lighting accentuates the caves features and makes the exploration of the Canelobre Caves magical.

Great Lighting inside the Canelobre Caves

Fun Fact

The name of the Canelobre Caves is translated to ‘Chandelier Caves. This explains the name as the Cave stones hanging from different points look like Chandeliers. The caves were discovered in the 740,s during the Arab occupation of Spain and has served differend purposes ever since.

The formation on the caves look like Chandeliers inside the Canelobre Caves. Canelobre means Chandeliers.

The caves were discovered in the 740,s during the Arab occupation of Spain and has served differend purposes ever since. It was officially opened to the Public in 1960’s.

Original Manhole Entrance to the Canelobre Caves in the Busot village, Alicante Spain.

Travel Tip 101

The Canelobre Caves in Busot, Alicante Spain are wet and slippery. Wear comfortable shoes and non-slippery ones. Exploration of the caves requires walking along staircases and steep descends so ensure that the shoes have a grip on the soles. The inside of the cave is cold!! Even in 40 degrees summer weather remember to carry a light jacket.

This rock formations made me feel like I am looking at ghosts. What do you see?


What is the cost of visiting the Canelobre Caves? 6€ for adults. 2.50€ for the elderly and the disabled and totally free for children under the age of 5.

Entry is 6€ for Adults. 2.50 for the disabled and elderly. Free for children!

The drive to the caves is also fun to do !! The scenic route provides amazing opportunities for view points over the Busot Mountains. Remember Busot is the name of the village where the Canelobre Caves are situated.

The journey to the Canelobre Cave makes for an unforgettable experience. From #KerryganTravels we say #HappyTravels as you explore the #CanelobreCaves in the village of Busot, Alicante, Spain.

The road to the Canelobre Caves in Busot village, Alicante, Spain.

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