Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous landmarks in Australia. When one thinks of Australia, this is the top places to visit in Australia. After reading this, I assure you, it will be added among the must visit destinations.

Sydney Opera House distant view

The Sydney Opera House can be described as a symbol for the city of Sydney and Australia!! It is also on UNESCO’s heritage list due to it’s innovative architecture and use of technology. The roof is made up over 1,000,000 tiles made up of two colors: white and cream. Although they look white.

The Sydney Opera House made up of over 100,000,000.

The Sydney Opera House is located close to the Sydney harbour and is surrounded by the Paramatta river and leads into the Pacific Ocean.

View of the Sydney Opera House from the river

The Sydney Opera House is amazing to visit no matter what time of the year it is. All year you can enjoy concerts and events at the Sydney Opera House. In addition one can do boat tours and enjoy amazing Australian food located next to the Sydney Opera House.

Sun kissed at the Sydney Harbour where the Sydney Opera House is located

In summer one can enjoy walks along the Sydney harbour and also walk to the botanical gardens which is close to where the Sydney Opera house is located. In winter one can attend the Vivid Sydney Festival which is magical, lights light up the Sydney Opera House, the surrounding buildings and the water with beautiful displays.

The Sydney Opera House in winter during the Annual Vivid Festival

The Sydney Vivid Festival is a festival that allows you to take in the beauty of Australian night life and all ages attend from children to people with old age.

Fun Fact

The outside of the Opera Sydney House is open to everyone and you only pay to attend the concerts and events. If planning a trip to Sydney and you want to attend an event at the Opera House, book in advance!!

The steps to the Sydney Opera House

Sydney is amazing and the people are awesome too!! Try out Australian steak, or sausage on bread to get the Australian experience. The Sydney Opera House provides the perfect opportunity to get a peak at the Australian Skyline and also to overlook the iconic Sydney bridge.

The iconic Sydney Bridge

The history of the Sydney habour is that it is located on Tobowgule, the land of the Gadigal clan. A monument has been erected to extend greetings to all visitors.

As always, #KerryganTravels will share smore locations to visit in Sydney, check our website for more destinations.

The Sydney Bridge and the Sydney Opera House in one picture.

Happy Travels from #KerryganTravels!!! 

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