An Exciting 4X4 Road Trip in Alicante through Busot

View of the landscape while exploring Busot Village, Alicante

Alicante offers scenic views of the coastal seaside and also has amazing landscape. The 4 by 4 Busot drive enables you to explore the Alicante landscape, through the Busot Village in Alicante, Spain. A road trip through the Alicante countryside is one that is magical! What better way to do that than through a 4X4 truck ride through the Busot Semi-arid area.

Behind the wheel exploring Busot Village with the 4 by 4 drive

A road trip through the Alicante semi-arid area is totally worth the time!! The thrill that comes with driving through an area full of rocks and having a car that can handle is absolutely worth a try.

Explore Busot’s desert like landscape

The 4X4 Busot drive adventure is a bucket list addition!! The 4X4 experience offers scenic views of Busot and views of breathtaking experiences. It’s the adrenaline rush that one might get from bungee jumping but safer!!

Nature truly is beautiful

The 4X4 Busot adventure also cumulates with a picnic in the middle of the drive. Here one gets to stop and take everything in!! A refreshing break during the drive and just gives the opportunity to relax and take the whole experience in.

Pop up picnic during the 4 by 4 Busot Drive

Fun Fact

Busot is a village located 30 minutes from the Central Business District of Alicante, Spain. When visiting the coastal City of Alicante, Busot village adds value to experiencing the village area of Alicante.  #KerryganTravels shares with you the only company in the region offering the service. Click on the Link to get the offers.

The 4×4 Self Drive Experience in Busot Village, Alicante, Spain

From #Kerrygan Travels we say #HappyTravels!!

Enjoy the 4 by 4 drive like we did!

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